Reply to Carseni’s letter

Dear Sir,

I would like to respond to Mr.Joe Caserni's letter dated 21st May 2020 titled ''Watchdog Warning for Picardo.’

First of all I do not like Mr. J. Caserni's disrespectful attitude when addressing himself to our Chief Minister the Hon. Fabian Picardo.

Whenever I write about a minister or Chief Minister I always give them their full titles and not just use their surnames. This type of over-familiarity sounds questionable and suspicious.

The main thrust of his very personal letter states that The Hon. Fabian Picardo is acting irresponsibly by unlocking Gibraltar prematurely, and that he should prolong the lockdown for a further two weeks.

The decision to unblock Gibraltar was not taken by Mr. F. Picardo alone but in consultation with the Opposition, G.H.A. specialist, Police and many stakeholders.

I am not a member of the G.S.L.P. but am positively certain that Mr. F. Picardo has taken all the right steps and acted appropriately and compassionately. The results of his responsible and appropriate actions have been the main reason why there has been no deaths registered in Gibraltar, whilst many unfortunate towns and even cities like New York where Mr. J. Caserni has lived for many years, have registered the highest number of deaths and people contaminated by the Covid 19 virus in the world Perhaps he should have written this letter to the Senator Cuomo, Mayor of New York and not to Mr. F. Picardo as the latter, in his wisdom, even planned the construction of a field hospital in the southernmost tip of Gibraltar and planned the 200 niches at North Front Cemetery in case Gibraltar was hard-hit by this virulent pandemic which has luckily been kept under control by the implementation of all the right measures, too many to mention.

Balancing the local economy with our public health is a very serious situation and should not be frivolously treated like Mr. J. Caserni has done.

Mr. Caserni also cast doubts and aspersions upon our G.H.A specialists and acts as if he was an expert on Covid 19 when even the best experts around the world are still learning new things about this virus.

In the end, it is better to be safe than sorry and Mr. F. Picardo and his team have spared no effort or expense to ensure the safety of all Gibraltarians.

Perhaps Mr. Caserni should stick to organising the next Song Festival and not meddle in politics.

Thanking You.

Yours faithfully.

Tito Valerga