TO THE TOGETHER PARTY: No answer to my letter
Firstly, according to the article, the only traffic allowed in this pedestrianized road would be the Electric Bus ‘’no longer pedestrianized’’.
The Casemates hill Taxi Stand would disappear, then we came to the Petrol Station which would become obsolete. Opposite the Petrol Station there are parking spaces for cars and motorcycles, ‘’no longer necessary’’. What about the ICC parking, that would also be lost. The place were there are more parking spaces is Orange Bastion. From there we continue to Capurro’s garage, there are cars inside the garage behind the garage and on the opposite side of the road “paying parking’’, all would disappear. Next we have the Capurro Showroom which looks beautiful and the underground garage.
Since no traffic will be circulating in Line Wall Rd. the turning into the Piazza would not be used. In the Piazza we have another Taxi Stand and spaces for delivery vans etc, we carry along into City Mill Lane which forks into Cornwall’s Lane for traffic going to the Car park in Engineers Lane, however, continuing up City Mill Lane there is a garage underneath the Old Theatre Royal. Going back to Lane Wall Rd. we get to the Amar building, again parking for wholesalers distribution etc. Outside the Casino Calpe there is limited yellow parking for residents in the area and on the opposite side parking for motorcycles. I think Natwest would also have problems with the Money delivery vans. Finally we get to the Wall outside the Bristol Hotel again parking for designated vehicles and on the other side of the road ‘’yellow parking’’ and motorcycles. There are also parking spaces for the hotel residents, and I hope that it won’t affect the Taxi Stand in that area. If all I have written is wrong I stand to be corrected.
P.S. Have they thought how the closure of Line Wall Rd. would affect the traffic flow. It was difficult at times when Lovers Lane was closed for two or three weekends.
Johnny Norton
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