THE SIX UNLOCKING PHASES: An official overview of the plan
The route map reflects the need to pause and wait between different stages to see whether the effect of the relief provided against the lockdown regulations has resulted in a spike of cases of COVID-19 and a surge of patients requiring care from the Gibraltar Health Authority.
The relaxation will be approached in a six-phase process ending with a final phase which is ROCK UNLOCKED. The Phases, the first of which began on 2 May, will be as follows:
29 April 2020
Over-70s were permitted to exercise – aligning regulations with the under-70s cohort. Specific areas of Gibraltar are disinfected and access is allowed only to the over-70s.
02 May 2020
Retail establishments free to re-open between 10:00 and 17:30. In order to operate, retailers will need to put in place measures to comply with the rules of social distancing, although that may mean that fewer people can be inside a shop at any one time and queuing outside must be properly managed. Where the rules of social distancing cannot be observed, masks are required to be worn by staff members in retail outlets. Retail outlets required to provide sanitising gels at places of access and egress to shops.
Hairdressers and beauticians can re-open with strict controls on social distancing and the wearing of masks in order to minimise the possibilities of potentially, unwittingly transmitting infections to clients. Services must be offered on a strictly ‘by appointment’ basis to avoid persons gathering in waiting areas. Strict hygiene rules will also be implemented.
Estate Agents offices and premises re-opened as from the 2 May, subject to the observance of the rules of social distancing. When showing properties, social distancing must be observed by Estate Agents also and it is advisable that, inside properties, face masks should be worn.
Personal Trainers will be able to resume work from 2 May where their training sessions are held outdoors. If a trainer offers services simultaneously to more than one client at any time, they must ensure that each person is at least between 1 and 2 metres apart, and the number of persons per training session must be no more than two.
04 May 2020
Self-contained construction sites can open under a permit from the Chief Technical Officer. Operation of construction sites will be subject to permits that will provide very strict controls about access and operation. Construction workers will have to remain on site and move from their homes (or, where relevant, from their point of entry into Gibraltar) to the site. Construction workers will not be permitted to leave construction sites during their working hours. Deliveries required for the operation of construction sites will have to be arranged with those supplying materials so that they can be delivered by employees who will not be exposed to those working on site. Interaction on construction sites will have to be – insofar as possible - in keeping also with the rules of social distancing. Where the rules of social distancing cannot be observed, masks will have to be worn even if work is being carried out in the open air. Additionally, access to all construction sites by employees will require a control of the temperature of all employees on a daily basis. Any employee who registers a high temperature will have to be tested and will have to self-isolate until test results are available. Minor works inside homes or office buildings will still not be permitted until UNLOCK PHASE 2.
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