Introduction of Health Education England Learning Hub

Although the GHA is currently under the obvious pressures brought about by Covid-19, today there is some good news for GHA staff. Her Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar is delighted that, when everything returns to normal, the GHA will introduce He-alth Education England’s (HEE’s) eLearning for Healthcare (e-LfH) Hub for all health and care professionals within the GHA, ERS and the Care Agency. 

HEE e-LfH Hub is a HEE programme working in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies to support patient care by providing e-learning to educate and train the health and social care workforce and will now become available to our healthcare staff in Gibraltar.

We are indebted to HEE for granting Gibraltar access to this incredible resource that will help empower health professional to upskill. This incredible educational resource has been facilitated by Gibral-tarian, Edward Hammond MA BmBCh MRCP FRCA, consultant Anaesthetist of the Royal Devon and Exeter Foundation Trust UK, Clinical Lead e-learning Anaesthesia of the Royal College of Anaesthetists and Senior Clinical Adviser for HEE e-Learning for Healthcare.

e-LfH offers more than 280 e-learning programmes and over 24,000 e-learning sessions in partnership with Professional Bodies, including Royal Colleges and Associations, Department of Health and Social Care teams and other bodies including NHS England and Public Health England.

These e-learning programmes are recognised as part of the Continued Professional Development (CPD) necessary to keep health professionals registered within their respective professional bodies.

Access is available online 24/7 and covers subjects from audiology to anaesthesia, dentistry to dermatology, emergency medicine to end of life care, primary care to prescribing, safeguarding children to statutory and mandatory training.

The online training sessions enhance traditional learning, support existing teaching methods and provide a valuable reference point. They are designed and built to be engaging and interactive, using quality images, video, audio and animation to help users learn and retain knowledge. Content is presented using various templates such as ‘real-life’ scenarios, case studies and ‘knowledge bites’.

The programme covers both the health and social care workforce. Resources are delivered through a custom-built Learning Management System known as the e-LfH Hub which provides both access to the content and recording of user activity.

Users can engage with as many programmes as they wish based on their specific educational needs or interests. These learning resources now includes specific COVID-19 programme that forms part of this education and training hub.

The Minister for Health and Care said, “I must give my heartfelt thanks to both Health Education England and my friend and fellow Gibraltarian Ed Hammond for bringing this amazing resource to us, one that will help us upskill our staff ensuring that our professionals locally are at the leading edge of the best and most advanced health education. This comes at a time when the world is pulling out all stops to work together for the benefit of the most important people in our lives, our patients, our communities.

This demonstrates the importance of networking within the medical world and I am proud to been able to bring this wonderful resource home. I am very happy to hear that in only a few hours we have already had a number of health professionals registering online for the programme.”

For more information about the e-LfH, including details on how to access, visit