Opposition have still not understood the Withdrawal Agreement, says Govt

The Leader of the Opposition has either still not understood the content of the Withdrawal Agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union or is mischievously twisting the facts in order to mislead and confuse public opinion. This is because the latest Opposition statement on frontier workers bears little resemblance to reality.

The Govt adds: The Withdrawal Agreement protects the rights of UK and Gibraltarian residents, workers and frontier workers in the European Union and in return protects the rights of European Union nationals, including residents, workers and frontier workers in the United Kingdom and Gibraltar. The rights are reciprocal and they are Europe-wide, affecting many millions of people. This means that EU frontier workers everywhere are entitled to the same rights as UK and Gibraltarian frontier workers everywhere.

These rights are not derived from any Memorandum of Understanding. They are derived from the very Withdrawal Agreement itself, which is an international treaty.