Some light at the end of the 12-year tunnel

Leo Olivero

Recent pictures sent to Panorama, suggest works on the tunnel road is at last making some visible headway. Although, it has to be said, there are a number of small-construction sites along the length of the tunnel road and on its approaches, where building works are still currently underway and do not appear anywhere near completion stage. But it remains to be seen, literally, how works progress from here? 

As suggested, the tunnel project itself has been dogged with major problems, where deadline completion dates have been continuously missed, including the present one. Where it was expected and announced that the project would be completed by late 2018.

Also, under construction is a new Cepsa petrol filling station, which will be sited some 80 metres east of the airport terminal building, on British Lines Road leading into the new tunnel access to Gibraltar. The new Cepsa petrol station will substitute the present one on Winston Churchill avenue which opened some 25 years ago.

The general tunnel project also includes two roundabouts one by the frontier entry point and the other at Devil’s Tower Road beyond the new tunnel exit.