Fake news at Commonwealth Parliamentary conference

A delegation from the Gibraltar Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association will be attending the 48th Regional Conference of the British Islands and Mediterranean Region being held in Guernsey, 19th to 21st May. 

The Gibraltar Branch will be represented by Samantha J Sacramento, Minister for Housing and Equality who is the Leader of the delegation, Steven Linares , Minister for Minister for Culture, the Media, Youth and Sport, and Opposition Members Edwin J Reyes and Roy M Clinton.

The Conference theme this year is: "Fake news and digital disinformation — the challenges for parliamentarians and democracy".

This is a topic that is likely to stimulate plenty of lively discussion. As part of the conference, various workshops have been organised and the Hon Samantha Sacramento will be chair one of them namely, Fake news and No Platforming.

The Conference will take the form of a series of plenary sessions addressed by invited speakers on selected relevant topics followed by workshops in which delegates are invited to contribute and discuss.