15 April

Cook Islands solution approved by UN

April 15, 2015

Dear Sir,

All that one gets from across the way are signs of friendship ' a la Spagish ' and from UK a continuous diatribe of idiotic comments such as EU and NATO allies.

Please take your blinkers of, sorry I meant all those who try to justify on a daily basis the need to come to an arrangement with our wonderful Democratic neighbours.

In the first place no other EU and/or NATO member would have put up with the daily transgression of our waters and continuous insults and more stupidly citing 'ad nauseum' Utrecht.

The UN has failed us the people of Gibraltar for well over 50 years, denied us any of the three known means to de-colonise a territory, as laid down by them, allowed a third country to insist on their interpretation of territorial integrity as the way forward but in true democratic fashion not prepared to test their theory in a competent Court of Law.

I can but suggest to all concerned to read up the various papers available on the principle of 'Free Association' as applied to the Cook Islands and incidentally approved by the United Nations following an act of self -determination by the inhabitants of the Islands.

Yours faithfully,


BRUSSELS LOBBYING: Second visit this year by Garcia to meet Parliament and Commission

April 15, 2015

The importance of effective lobbying in Brussels is highlighted by the second visit this year of Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia, for a series of meetings in the European Parliament and with the European Commission.

This second visit this year to the EU institutions is designed to follow-up a number of issues which were raised during his previous visit in January as well as addressing ones that have arisen since then.

During this visit, meetings will be held in order to brief Members of the European Parliament on the latest developments relating to Gibraltar's position in the European Union. The MEPs have been

selected on a cross-party basis and therefore come from different political groups. They also sit on different Committees.

The Deputy Chief Minister's meetings will centre on taxation, aviation and freedom of movement, said statement.

The programme has been arranged by Sir Graham Watson now based at the new Brussels office.

Dr Garcia is accompanied by Michael Llamas, Attorney General designate and Chief Legal Adviser as well as Principal Secretary Caine Sanchez.


Getting ready for the flower show

April 15, 2015

We are getting close to the Gibraltar Flower Show, which takes place on Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th April.

The organisers say that Programmes and Entry Forms are available from the Reception Office at the entrance to John Mackintosh Hall.

Entry Forms with entry fees (£1.00) for Group F, (gardens, courtyards, corridors, estates, patios, terraces, balconies and schools) and scarecrows FROM SCHOOLS AND CLUBS have to be returned to by the Thursday 16th this week. The 17th, before lunch, for those who failed the 16th!

Judging will be done by Dr K Bensusan from the Gibraltar Botanic Gardens accompanied by a committee member of the Gibraltar Horticultural Society.

Entry Forms for all other Groups will take place between 3pm and 6.30pm at the Mackintosh Hall on Wednesday 22nd in the Studio room on the ground floor. Completed Entry Forms with fee of 50p per entry required. There will be more entry forms there if you need to change anything. All Entries for the show must be brought to the Mackintosh Hall as from midday on Tuesday 28th. Committee members will be there to help stage your exhibit in the right place and exhibition hall.

Those entering Cut Flowers (Group C) and/or a Flower Arrangement (Group E) may bring entries between 9am and 10.45am on Wednesday 29th.

Judging of the Show will be on the Wednesday 29th starting at about 11am. ALL Entries have to be in place before

then!Prizes will be given to winners by Lady Dutton, the Governor's wife, who is also the President of the Society, at 6pm on Thursday 30th.


Getting the Gibraltar point of view across

April 15, 2015

Panorama point

Getting the Gibraltar point of view across at EU level is vitally important because decisions taken there can, and do, affect Gibraltar.

Whatever the issue, there is intense lobbying in Brussels. We have recently heard of Spanish MEPs instructed to ask a barrage of questions about Gibraltar, so there has to be a regular counter move by Gibraltar, with the help of our MEPs in the European Parliament.

The Spaniards are forever trying to spread misinformation about Gibraltar. On a daily basis we have to depend on those we voted for at the last European election, and ensure that they are well informed to help the Rock whenever the opportunity arises.

We must be grateful to them for taking a real interest in our affairs and for ensuring that Spanish initiatives do not go unanswered.

At the same time, regular contact through Gibraltar government visits to Brussels help to keep relations on a proper footing. It is a way of saying 'Thank You' to our MEP friends and supporters.

Anyone with any experience of political life in Brussels will know just how difficult it can be to get the message across in the inter-political party maze that is Brussels, where there is a need to be alert at all times.


If the Opposition feel so strongly about 'Parliamentary Privilege' they should commit themselves to change from the way they behaved for 16 years

April 15, 2015

Is Gibraltar really being served as effectively, efficiently and dare I say, as democratically, as it possible can, with all the hullabaloo and effort being channelled, particularly by the Opposition regarding the 'Dr Giraldi Home Inquiry Debate' which still rages on!

The Opposition have made all kinds of serious political statements against the Government, particularly focusing on 'Parliamentary Privilege' an issue they obviously feel very strongly about, because of statements by the Government during the Giraldi Home motion's debate.

According to the Opposition, the behaviour of the Government during the Dr Giraldi Parliamentary Motion will go down as one of the most shameful episodes in the political history of Gibraltar. Adding, that that 'privilege was abused in the most cynical manner' to repeat allegations, which had been investigated by Sir Jonathan Parker and discredited in his report. Even the GSD party chairman got in on the act, saying, that the damage this must do to our international reputation as a modern democracy is untold! Where has Mr Hammond been living?

The Opposition Also Cite History, Dear Me What Short Memories?

But as I reported last week politics has dominated the Giraldi Home issue from the onset. The GSLP/Liberal Government even before the last election made a promise to commission an independent investigation, which they did. The GSLP/ Liberals when in Opposition, unlike the then GSD who were in Government, were greatly concerned about the Giraldi Home allegations. So were countless other people including this newspaper which reported and journalistically investigated other similar cases involving the most vulnerable and young in society. An important point that has been conveniently forgotten by the opposition in all their hysteria right now regarding the Giraldi Home. Preferring to cite much lesser examples of importance, like the alleged bullying by 35 young people at the ETB. But that's politics!

The Giraldi Home issue has come under intense political debate where the opposition clearly feel the Government have abused 'parliamentary privilege' when the obviously haven't according to parliamentary 'Standing Rules and Orders' which are very specific…the reality is, that its all political point scoring by the opposition…but please draw your own conclusions?

One thing is for sure, that is the kind of cut and thrust politics we have been used to for years. And for the GSD party chairman to say that 'the damage this must do to our international reputation as a modern democracy is untold' is naïve to say the least!

Caruana's Verbal Onslaught on the Then Opposition Leader Now CM

I will give just one example what I am talking about, and it happened in parliament during a similar period just before the last elections, in fact during the last budget session in 2011. When I reported then, that the public are having a hard time in either believing or understanding many of the things coming out of the mouths of certain politicians.

Like me, many others who listened to the 2011 budget session will clearly remember the then Chief Minister Peter Caruana's non-stop venomous attack on the leader of the opposition Fabian Picardo and must have wondered "will democracy as we know it, characterised by the essential exchange of views and harsh differences, survive all this and where in fact is democracy heading in Gibraltar"

Mr Caruana, in fact described Mr Picardo as "economically illiterate, ignorant, deceitful and unfit to be the Chief Minister of Gibraltar." he also made reference, and again brought into question Mr Picardo's professional life as a lawyer. It was difficult for members of the public to comprehend what the then CM was attempting to arrive at with this vicious style of attack on the then opposition leader? Which obviously posed the question "did it have anything to do with the budget" it didn't in fact!

I said at the time that 'Mr Caruana was right to protect, justify and defend government policies, no one was denying him that, but what many people could not get their head-a-round, was his method, substance and manner of delivery of volley after volley of insults, abuse and hateful remarks", a sad and depressing spectacle in fact... all that was in pre-election 2011.

The GSD now in opposition, now want to come across politically 'holier-than-thou' when it comes to Parliamentary behaviour and are making a pretty crap job of it. They should check the Parliamentary records book or Hansard, which might make for some uncomfortable reading for them, this if parliamentary decorum is what their after!

If the Opposition really feel so strongly about 'Parliamentary Behaviour', they should do something about it and commit themselves to changing things, god knows they had 16 years to change things whilst in Government, but never did!

The Opposition Should Now Commit Themselves For Change!

The Opposition should now seriously commit themselves, even make a manifesto commitment, to change things in this respect for the good. The opposition would do well to push for more responsibility and accountability by Members of Parliament… why not lead by example?

So Let's Have a Commissioner For Parliamentary Standards?

Because of the strong feeling publicly demonstrated by the opposition, they should seriously think about following the example of other legislatures, particularly the UK House of Commons, where a 'Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards' acts as ethics watchdog on UK parliamentarians.

The office in the UK is independent of government to the extent that, as is the case with the UK Ombudsman and the Auditor General, the office holder's nomination must be supported by a two-thirds majority of MPs in the house of commons, which in practice means by both sides of the House.

The UK Commissioner for Standards enjoys security of tenure on the same lines as a member of the judiciary. In the House of Commons, the said Commissioner reports to the House Committee on Standards and Privileges, the House of Commons ultimately endorse the disciplinary measure.

No Heinous Incident

Naturally if the misconduct amounts to the commission of an offence in the UK, the matter is referred to the police for prosecution in court.

But lets be realistic here, there's been no heinous incident in our own parliament, similar to those for instance, that provoked the creation of similar mechanisms in other countries, such as the controversy in the UK in 1995 over the scandal of MPs getting paid to ask parliamentary questions, or the improper use of parliamentary allowances beyond the parameters of their scope, which led to the resignation of UK Speaker Michael Martin a few years ago.

Par For the Course

Maybe the Opposition believes that political maturity that permits the creation of an independent parliamentary mechanism of ethics and enforcement is not really warranted in Gibraltar. Because even though they are negatively attempting to depict the government as parliamentary louts, it is certainly 'par for the course' for them…it's really all about scoring political points and not one bit about parliamentary ethics! But again, please draw your own conclusions.


Why not ask Pope to visit Gibraltar?

April 15, 2015

Dear Sir

Religion has no frontiers and I am wondering whether the relevant authorities here in Gibraltar have never asked for His Holiness the Pope to visit Gibraltar.

You may ask why a member of the Jewish Faith is asking this question?

Well, apart from being Jewish, I am also a proud Gibraltarian and I only want the best for my Gibraltar.

In Gibraltar, during the year we get a lot of Jewish visitors and on behalf of the Jewish Community I address these groups, I always tell them, that for me Gibraltar is the small Jerusalem. Furthermore, I always try as much as possible to show off our Rock.

The present Pope seems to be a very open-minded one and I know, for a fact, from some Jewish Argentinian friends of mine who have visited the Holy Father that he is a very down to earth priest. Furthermore, it is always a pleasure and privilege to see Monsignor Mark Miles, a true Gibraltarian accompanying His Holiness. Although we are only 30,000 population, but thank God, we Gibraltarians are special.

Yours faithfully,

Solomon (Momy) Levy

PS If the Authorities have tried but have not been successful, I truly apologise for this intrusion.