23/09/2022 - 11:00
This week’s Woman of the Week is 21-year-old Faith Torres, who last weekend, was crowned Miss Gibraltar 2022. Read more
22/09/2022 - 15:31
Thursday 22nd September 2022
Total confirmed cases: 20,092
New cases in Gibraltar (7 days): 3 (3 residents)
Positive cases in COVID-19 Ward: 4 Read more
22/09/2022 - 10:08
The environmental scenario that Gibraltar feared has materialised over the last few days when black oil leaked from the beached vessel OS35 after it was deliberately sunk in order to better resist the full brunt of easterly winds. This is, nonetheless, a far cry from the full nightmare situation that the authorities could potentially have faced when the collision took place at the end of August. Read more
22/09/2022 - 10:06
The La Linea branch of the Partido Popular has said that solutions need to be found to the long delays being experienced to cross the border. Read more
22/09/2022 - 10:02
An application to develop an art gallery, children's art centre and restaurant at Fortress House, 7/9 Cathedral Square has been filed with the Town Planner.
Fortress House is one of the oldest colonial houses remaining in Gibraltar and when the property was previously put up for sale, the Gibraltar Heritage Trust issued a press release explaining the building is of significant heritage importance. It previously housed former Governor of Gibraltar, Robert Boyd between 1776 and 1777. Read more
21/09/2022 - 11:47
The period of mourning which followed the sad passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is now over. The focus now moves to the future and to the way forward. However, one thing is abundantly clear - over the last few days the British sovereignty of Gibraltar has been projected like never before.
Those who thought that Gibraltar might somehow be weakening in its determination to resist the Spanish sovereignty claim have therefore received a rude awakening over the last couple of weeks. The tragic circumstances surrounding the death of Queen Elizabeth have shown exactly how important a position Gibraltar enjoys as part of the wider British family of nations, and how that role is valued and cherished by all. Read more
21/09/2022 - 11:24
The Gibraltar Port Authority is working to mitigate as far as possible the impact of oil in BGTW, following an escape of previously trapped low sulphur fuel oil from the OS 35. Read more