Race against the weather as winds displace booms

Race against the weather as winds displace booms

Residents of Catalan Bay awoke yesterday morning to find that the protective boom in front of them had washed shore.

This must serve as a timely reminder of the fragility of the operation at sea in front of them and the very real risk that still exists, in poor weather conditions, when the best laid plans can come undone.
Strong overnight winds created havoc as expected in a number of areas as the operation to pump the different pollutants out of the stricken freighter OS35 continued. The Government confirmed that the weather “created difficulties for the response team on site” and explained that the protective booms had been particularly affected. This meant not only the protection for Catalan Bay, but also the second layer of boom around the actual vessel itself. The booms were “displaced” but not “damaged”. The authorities stressed the point that to the untrained eye the oil sheen may look more impacting than it actually is in practice, making the point that the volume of oil which had spilled, while important, is far from constituting an environmental catastrophe - at least at this moment in time. The booms were put back in place during the day.