Launch of new residential parking scheme

The rollout of next Residential Parking Scheme (RPS) Zone 4, surrounds the West District from Marina Court in the North to Ordnance Wharf in the South, bordering with RPS Zone 2 in the East.

Residents with households within this zone boundary will be eligible to apply for a Resident Parking Permit.
This follows the successful rollout of RPS Zone 1 in July 2017, Zone 2 in March 2018 and Zone 3 in June 2018 respectively. This is part of recommendations contained within the Sustainable, Traffic, Transport and Parking Plan (STTPP).
A Government statement says: The implementation of designated residential parking zones aims to provide residents of the area with an improved chance of parking whilst still supporting the needs of visitors and commercial activity in those areas. The success of the RPS will rely on effective parking enforcement in these areas and will be regularly patrolled by the appointed Parking Management Officers (PMO’s).
The introduction and implementation of the RPS Zone 4 is to be launched following detailed and thorough research carried out as part of the STTPP, and takes into account resident and stakeholder feedback. The scheme shares the positive attributes of RPS Zones 1, 2 and 3 and aims to improve certain aspects whilst taking into account the specific core needs of residents within this specific residential area.