Involved in girl guiding all her life
Marie Bocarisa has been the Girlguiding Gibraltar Commissioner since 2017, but has actually been involved in the association her entire life. At first she was part of Brownies, Guides and eventually became a leader, and Marie has now been a Warranted Leader for the last 27 years and is due her 30 years very soon.
Girlguiding Gibraltar is a large association here on the Rock, with over 350 people involved, including leaders. As a result of this, they have three rainbow groups, five brownie groups, three guide groups and one senior section, which run Monday to Friday each week.
A new programme within Girlguiding was introduced three years ago, which differs to its previous as the girls now get to choose what activities they want to try, what badges to earn and it entails a lot of ways to develop new skills. The programme is full of fun, adventure and variety. It supports the girls to help them challenge themselves and be the best they can be.