Publication confirms that Bayside / St Anne’s plot went to highest bidder by many millions
The latest comments from the Opposition on the excellent deal done by the Government on the Bayside / St Anne’s plot asks that the Government should publish the bids received for these sites.
The Opposition, in trying to find some way to criticise these excellent arrangements, cannot get away from the fact that the combined plots of the old St Anne’s School and the old Bayside School have been sold for development to the commercial entity that bid millions more than anyone else.
The Government recalls that ‘Expressions of Interest’ for the site were invited at the end of 2017.
The bids received were as follows:
Bayside School PlotBidder No 1 - £5,100,000
Bidder No 2 – No premium stated, wanted more information and sought negotiations.
St Anne’s School PlotBidder No 1 – No premium stated, wanted more information and sought negotiations.
Bidder No 2 – No premium stated, wanted more information and sought negotiations.
It should be noted that although Bidder No 2 expressed an interest in both plots, it was nonetheless obvious that the land was being undervalued by those commercial entities who had expressed an interest.