Leo Olivero


I would like to believe that last week’s arrival of the new governor may have prompted some much needed common sense into one high profile policing issue, with the sudden reappearance to British Territorial Waters (BGTW) of RGP marine crews and patrol boats which were back on local waters at the weekend in the environment where they belong, and where they are most needed!

RGP Return to Only Patrol British Gibraltar Territorial Waters

Panorama exclusively revealed that the RGP marine section were operationally deactivated, grounded or stood down, after a totally erroneous operational decision; which meant for these officers many weeks spent confined to land duties.

All that has changed with RGP patrol launches, it seems, which for the past few days have been seen patrolling the western and eastern area of the Rock, including marinas and western beach area.

The most significant related news, is one that will be of huge interest to most people, particularly this reporter. According to Panorama sources, Police crews have been given operational instructions to strictly remain inside BGTW and not to venture out into international waters under any circumstances (save for an emergency rescue incident). And as we understand it, less so, if called by Spanish enforcement agencies to respond to any operational assistance; which cannot possibly shock many people after recent events of the last few weeks!

I would like to think Panorama has played some small part in the return of the RGP patrol boats to operational duties, doing what they are designed and expected to do in effectively patrolling BGTW to enforce any breach or violations of pertinent legislations and to safeguard the integrity of BGTW!