Leo Olivero

*What we have done right and what we have done wrong, and where we could have done better, Govt tells PANORAMA

The Chief Minister last evening confirmed government will be establishing a ‘Public Inquiry’ to inform how the government can in future improve if Gibraltar was ever faced with such a crisis again!

Reference in April to an inquiry attracted little news interest. I imagine, the latter was down to the fact that the government, unlike its usual manner, did not over emphasise the issue at the time, or the importance of such a decision. Considering, the significance behind such a move and bearing in mind that a ‘Public Inquiry’ is a major investigation convened by a government!

The issue of a Public Inquiry, did not appear again in the public domain, until last Monday when Panorama carried a front-page headline that read “Only a PUBLIC INQUIRY Can Deliver Comprehensive Covid Answers”. The line taken in the Panorama article openly suggested a full public inquiry!

It was a consideration of mine that the government were busy with other things, and had little time to respond to newspaper reports asking for a Public Inquiry into the government’s handling of the Coronavirus!


On Wednesday of this week, Panorama forwarded the following question to the Government: “Is the Government able to provide details about a public inquiry in Gibraltar into the Covid-19 pandemic”

The reply to this question was as follows:

'The Chief Minister announced on the 6th April that the Cabinet had agreed that a public inquiry into the COVID-19 pandemic would be established after the public health emergency has come to an end.

"The objective (of the inquiry) will be to understand what we have done right and what we have done wrong, and where we could have done better.