Action4Schools is a Gibraltar charity based in Sierra Leone

Action4Schools is a Gibraltar charity based in Sierra Leone

IN PERSPECTIVE by Kevan Kennedy

Action4Schools Sierra Leone is a local charity based within Sierra Leone, Africa - a country ravaged by civil war and political turmoil. The charity provides water and refurbishes schools, going so far as to administer “medical attention and eye care to children that need assistance. Here in Gibraltar we visit schools and give presentations raising awareness and encourage positive action from the younger generation.”

Their aim is not only to significantly improve the lives of those in need, but to “raise awareness of the difficulties that others face on a day to day basis and encourage people to see that not everyone is as lucky as we are, and that we can make huge a huge difference to the lives of those people by simply giving up some of our time or spare cash to the cause of helping others”.

Action4Schools was founded in “in 2006 after I visited the country on a work related trip”. They began with sending school supplies to several schools, later starting fundraising in Gibraltar to then refurbish schools. “We also started providing water tanks and latrines and then in 2013 we started providing water wells. In total we have now provided 62 water wells bringing clean safe water to more than 25,000 children and many communities across Sierra Leone. We wanted to make a difference to the lives of the poorest children who deserve a better start in life.”


We were informed that a typical water well costs up to £2,500, with school refurbishments costing up to £40,000. “We have organised a number of events such as large raffles where we have raffled cars, cruise trips, motorcycles and many other fantastic prizes, these types of fundraisers involve a few hundred people selling tickets over a number of months and brings in a lot of funds that we can then use to refurbish schools or provide more water wells”. Given that Action4Schools have managed to provide 62 water wells, these initiatives have been an all-round success in Gibraltar. To this, Action4S-chools are “are always humbled by the amazing support coming from everyone in Gibraltar”.

Indeed, for Action49-Schools, their greatest accomplishment “has been the fact that we have been an active charity since 2006 and that this has brought a lot of positive change for many thousands of people in Sierra Leone.” They have built 15 schools, and – again – provided 62 water wells across the country. In 4 schools, there are water connections and eye care programmes, giving medical assistance to urgent medical cases. “The ripple effect of all these investments will be felt by thousands of children for many years to come and we wish to thank all the sponsors and supporters for their amazing support since we began our journey of serving the most vulnerable and needy communities”.

The charity is run entirely through volunteer work. We asked if any training is required in order to sign up to the programme on account of the number of different roles a charity of this scope would require. Surprisingly, “there is no specific training needed. All you need is the desire to help the neediest by giving up some of your spare time or spare cash and wanting to make a difference”. They are only a few volunteers on the committee, the rest of the work being supported by many locals helping whenever they can through events or raffles.