Govt gives details of UNLOCKING PROCESS
Because the number of tests carried out is now 4,155, which represents 13% of the population.
The results pending are 345.
To date, we have had a total of 147 cases since mid-February and of those 143 are now recovered.
Today, once again, there are no COVID patients in our hospital wards or in ICU.
It is in that context that the Government has today approved the final iteration of our UNLOCK THE ROCK strategy.
We have already embarked on Phase 1 of the strategy, as we announced almost two weeks ago now. Next week, we will start Phase 2.
Our message will not change.We will continue to advise that Staying at Home is the best way to stay safe.But we will change our posture.
With a small number of cases and an increased ability to test and track exposure to the virus, we will be moving from a situation where we restrict movement by compulsion to a situation where we are more targeted in the restrictions we impose.
Because we want to lift as many restrictions on movement as possible as soon as we are able to do so safely.
So in this first phase, 12 days in since we started to relax matters, we are not seeing yet any exponential growth in infections.
And therefore, we are going to set out in our strategy document that we are on track to enter Phase 2 in the week of the 18th May.
On the 21st of May, we will see a further loosening of the restrictions on personal movement both for the over-70sand the under-70-year-olds.
But we will not change our advice – even if we change our laws.
Our advice will still be to STAY AT HOME.
And that advice will be the same for everyone but it will be particularly emphasised for our over-70s.
It will be similarly over-emphasised for those in our community who are imm-unosuppressed. And indeed, for those who are obese and have a BMI of over 30.
Those are the persons who – according to the emerging data – the virus is killing most aggressively.
And all of that advice and change of posture will be captured in this document, our Unlock the Rock document.
I have also shared the document with the Leader of the Opposition as a draft. He has shared it with his Shadow Cabinet with my consent.
Having seen the early embargoed document, they have provided significant feedback for which we are grateful. Incorporating their views will assist in making a clearer document.
But I want to be clear of course that at this stage everything is very, very fluid, even now.
So we may have to change the running order of things set out in the document.
Phase 2 will start on the 18th May.On that date, we will start to see a return of some museums, libraries and exhibitions. Phase 2 will also provide for the lifting of laws against free movement. This will take effect from the 21st of this month if things are progressing well and we see no increases in infection rates.So from that date, we expect that we move away from the law restricting free movement but with two key caveats.
Firstly, our advice will continue to be that it is safer to stay at home. We expect to be able to change our legal posture but not our advice. And secondly, we will continue to have rules about large gatherings.
So the law will still restrict the Constitutional freedom of association.
Importantly, we will start to see more activity in our health services also, with a return to screening etc.
We also expect commercial gyms to be able to re-open in this phase but subject to tight controls.
We will see a return to Parliamentary activity in Phase 2, with a meeting of Parliament on the 28th May of which I have given notice.
At this time we will also see a return of construction works within dwellings, also subject to permits and strict rules of social distancing and the wearing of masks.
Education will also start a phased return as already highlighted by Minister Gilbert Licudi and as agreed with the teachers’ union.
Then Phase 3 will commence on the 1st of June.
This is the phase in which we expect to see a return of religious worship, but subject to very strict distancing controls. This will also provide for a the return of public transport.
Additionally, this will be the beginning of the closure of Chatham Counterguard and the part closure of Line Wall Road.
At the same time, we will see the re-start of Public Transport with new arrangements where relevant.
Some theatrical, musical and dance performances will be permitted without a live audience for filming and broadcast purposes.
Importantly, restaurants will be able to re-open with restrictions of up to 50% in terms of occupancy.
Public Health permits will be required for the opening of restaurants.
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