GP says she has been BANNED from a local hospital in England after complaining about their response to coronavirus and because she wore protective outfit 'that was frightening patients'.

Dr Cathering Beanland, who is from Gibraltar, claims she was told to stop working at Ludlow Community Hospital.

The GP said the hospital has been 'very slow' in its efforts to protect staff.

She took to wearing protective equipment to shield herself from the coronavirus.

But she insists that she was asked to leave because her kit 'frightened patients', adds a report in the Daily Mail.

Ludlow Community Hospital insists it has followed national guidelines, while guidance for health workers on PPE was expected to be updated within two days.

However, Dr Beanland has warned the hospital their response around PPE 'and appropriate isolation of possible Covid-19 patients has been dangerously lacking'.

In a social media post, she revealed that she had taken to wearing the equipment to protect patients and stop her from catching the virus.

Shropshire Community Trust hit back, claiming she was not following national guidance and 'frightening both patients and staff' by wearing it.

She was told 'to no longer provide patient care' at the 40-bed hospital.

Dr Jane Povey, medical director at Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust, said staff had been reminded to stick to national guidelines on the use of PPE.