Al mayor le preocupa el humo de los cars crossing the frontier, pero no los millions of panaeras that go their way from our Gibraltar

Oh dear, el nombre Franco seems to haunt us, la que se ha armao by what the mayor has said about Gibraltar, es para mearse.

You are telling me, dear Cloti, pero in our Gibraltar he has been let off the hook, and it is the Espanish in La Linea who have been making most of the noise against him.

Y no es for less. For starters, el alcalde ha mandao un document to the Espanish governation in Madrid for consideration en los Brexit talks.

And what does he say.

Bueno, he wants the joint use of our airport, que te parece.

Nothing friendly about that, dear Cloti.

Digo, pero then he makes a right royal attack on the RGP quiere 'coordinacion con el RGP para impedir determinadas infracciones cometidas por gibraltarenos en nuestro territorio que no queden sin respuesta.'

That is to say, que he thinks que los Gibraltarians somos unos hooligans, oh dear.

And he is also against Gibraltar's land reclamation, and do you know why? Well, this is what he says: los rellenos en el mar provocan alteraciones en los flujos de la corrientes marinas y en las mareas que estan generando danos en nuestras costas.'

Bueno, esto ya es un cachonfinger, my dear. Con todo lo que ganan ellos thanks to our Gibraltar.

Well, dear Cynthia, el mayor is also critical of the 'contaminacion ambiental' provoked by the vehicles crossing the frontier, so presumably he would prefer a closed frontier para que se elimine el contamination!

Pues mira, the last time they closed the frontier half of La Linea had to emigrate porque, without Gibraltar, la cosa se puso ugly, surely he doesn't want a repeat.

I don't think so. pero que se queje por los humos of the cars, with all the millions that they otherwise get from our Gibraltar, po que se compre un smoke eliminator, caramba.

I imaginate that this is the kind of cooperation que el Police Commissioner keeps talking about.
One way cooperation, I must say. Tally ho!

Adios blancaflor.