As part of its continuing outreach programme the GSD says new arrangements have been made so that members of the public can easily speak to MPs on issues of concern be it on housing, employment, health or any other issue. 

GSD MPs already conduct regular meetings with members of the public on a variety of issues. We are now improving on those arrangements by putting in place a structured daily surgeries programme for all MPs.

Damon Bossino said: “GSD MPs have always made themselves available to listen to peoples’ concerns on any issue but we are keen to ensure that this is more widely known as well as more structured. There is much we can and will do to help people as best we can. After all, this is what politics is all about – helping people.”

The party wants to ensure that in the next four years it continues to make itself available, through its MPs and the wider party structure, to the public. The GSD is determined to make it known that it is here to represent the whole of Gibraltar. This is part of its overall strategy to ensure that the party is fully in tune with people’s needs and therefore ready for Government at the next general election whenever it is called.

One element of the outreach drive is that each of the GSD MPs will make themselves available to members of the public at a fixed time and day at the party’s headquarters at College Lane. Details of when the individual MP will be available can be obtained at HQ and will be publicly announced. If the individual cannot meet at the appointed day or time, staff at HQ will make alternative arrangements for the meeting to take place.

“GSD MPs have, for some time, been available to attend to constituents’ concerns. In making this announcement we are formalising the arrangements and advising the public when its MPs will be available” said Mr Bossino.