Our magnificent new schools are being readied for the intake of children next week, says Government. Teachers are preparing classrooms. All building work is finished. Furniture and fixtures and fittings are being put up and cleaning is ongoing. 

"We are grateful for the efforts from Casais and GJBS and all their subcontractors. We are grateful for teachers' understanding that some furnishings are not yet entirely in their places and for the work that they are doing in getting the schools ready for teaching. These are undoubtedly some of the best - if not THE BEST schools in Europe," it added.

The investment of taxpayers’ money in these schools is larger per-capita in Gibraltar than anywhere else in Europe.

"We are confident that on the 11th of September our pupil intake and their parents and teachers will be entirely satisfied with this massive investment of taxpayers’ money and with the final product. Should it become necessary to delay opening the schools until the 16th, we will announce that as soon as possible, but we do not believe it will become necessary," said Government.