Government’s Four Point Plan to slow down development

- New development plan

- Renegotiation of existing projects

- Five new open areas

- Freeze on development on six Government plots

At a press government yesterday by Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia, a four point plan which aims to tackle and mitigate the pace of development in Gibraltar and which includes the creation of five open areas for the public to enjoy was announced. 

However, it needs to be understood that some of the construction is in private sector hands and therefore outside the direct control of the Government itself.

It is also important to make it clear that certain projects like the Mid-Town development, that at King’s Wharf and several Ocean Village projects were the subject of permits and deals before this Government came in to office, even though the actual construction has commenced much later.


The Government has given the political green light for work to commence on a new Gibraltar Development Plan. The relevant sub-head to which the funding will be charged has been opened in the Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure. This shows a nominal amount of £1000 because a tender will be published in the coming weeks. This plan will set out a future vision for the coordination of development and planning into the future. The tradition has always been for these plans, which cover planning and land use matters, to be produced every ten years although the 1991 plan was not replaced until 2009.