Leo Olivero

It’s safe to presume most people are aware that some time in the latter part of the year an election is looming.

The election date is possible safely locked away in the Chief Minister’s impenetrable mind or probably not, he may not even know himself yet, although I doubt that is the case. 

As a political commentator, already I have detected (like a good female physician would) clear signs Gibraltar is developing a form of morning sickness that presages a particular situation, with indications that political parties are pregnant with electioneering ideas and bending over backwards and forwards like a supreme contortionist in attempts to win votes, not a strange situation - more of an expected one.

Every citizen wants to have an efficient and progressive government and intelligent well-meaning Parliamentarians. Though we don’t always get what we want, we can at least hope for a better future for Gibraltar, particularly after Brexit is sorted and our own election is also political history.

Political Weather Front Already a mass With Clouds of Uncertainty

The medium to long-range (political) weather forecast is already a mass of uncertainty, with dark and stormy clouds potentially on the horizon. Clear skies at this level of politics, is often as difficult as forecasting a snowstorm in the Arabian Desert in the baking desert summer season.

What really exercises the vast majority of people is not the speculation before, but what happens after the election. People are asking themselves whether we will keep on a stable course or whether we will enter a time of uncertainty. Those bent on political speculation, which are quite a few, may quote polls at the drop of a hat and try to guess who might win. Social media and morning coffee sessions are awash with election forecasters.