Gibraltar shines in Cardiff

Rhythmic gymnasts Lili Murphy, Kylie Gavizio & Mie Alvarez competed in the National Sports Centre in Cardiff, Wales in the Zone B qualification competition for British Championships.

The girls once again did themselves and Gibraltar proud with Lili Murphy placing first on her Freehand , 4th with her hoop routine and 3rd overall . 

Kylie Gavizio in her first year as Junior (Grade 8) came 5th with her elegant ball, 4th with her clubs and 5th with ribbon, placing her 4th overall.

1st year senior gymnast Mie Alvarez came 3rd with her ball, 4th with hoop and 4th with ribbon and 4th overall in senior section.

A statement says: "They performed magnificently well and are now waiting for results on who have qualified to the finals that will take place in June in Stoke-On-Trent UK.

"We are very proud of all our Gymnasts, all their hard work and determination is reflecting on their results."