Leo Olivero
All political routes in London, Madrid and Gibraltar lead to elections, - some early!

It will not have come as a shock particularly to regular ‘Brexit news readers’ that last weekend in particular, and throughout this week UK news reports have directed more Brexit fear mongering news Gibraltar’s way. Its not the first and won’t be the last. News, in fact we’ve not read and seen in other Brexit reports. 

Last weekend some UK news reports described a post Brexit ‘apocalyptic life as we know it scenario’ for the Rock if Theresa May is unable to swing her way the Brexit withdrawal deal before the 29 March. This week, the last days in fact, other reports have described a political conflict ‘Spain v UK-Gibraltar War’ over the Waters issue.

It was quite true, because while some UK press reports were predicting how a Brexit no deal would create chaos here on the Rock, our Territorial Waters were under invasion by Spanish state vessels that decided to take executive action in BGTW followed by the meek diplomatic response from the UK Government that infuriated Gibraltar. Although it may be seen as another a bit of history with Spain, it is also a lesson for London not to treat us as fools.

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